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Welcome to the Gwilliam Family Web Site

It's time to start making changes and get this web site current again

Gwilliam Family Blogs

In the past year our family changed from doing a monthly newsletter on this web site to each family having their own blog. Here is a link to each of their blogs:

Trudy and Dean Berryessa

Berryessa Bloggers

Jim and Kathie Gwilliam

the gwilliam gazetts

Tyler and Amy Gwilliam

The Gwilliam Chronicles


And Harline is still open:

Here is our mascot:


Chad and Becky Gwilliam

Gwilly's Sillies

Scott and Heather Gwilliam

The Gwilliam Gang

Matt and Lori Gwilliam

South Bend Gwilliam Gang

Chuck and Lorna Gwilliam

 The Gwilliam Seniors


Scott doing his thing at Myrtle Beach

Scott doing his thing at Myrtle Beach

Rise and shout the Cougars are out........

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If you would like to learn about   Our Family or see our Photo Gallery then click on either one

For almost twenty years we have mailed Newsletters from family member to family member during the year. At the beginning of each year a scheduled is published and each family member try's their best to meet the schedule and get the newsletter mailed to our next youngest sibling. This year we are going to do the mailings via the family web site instead of snail mail. Generally each family will receive it once a quarter. If you would like to check out the latest issues from each family check this page out   Newsletters

Countdown Clock is set for Grandma to get her newsletter completed and available for posting on the web site. This will be due February 29th.

If your browser supported Java applets, a countdown clock would be here.

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This site was last updated 08/08/09